Natacha Muziramakenga

Also known by her stage name, Miziguruka, this poet, playwright, actress, curator, director and translator has made resilience, women, memory and transmission the recurring themes of her work. Her performances combine poetry with DJ sets, live music and fire. She is the author of “Méandres”, a piece shown in 2023 in Kigali and Paris. She played in the films “Neptune Frost” by Saul Williams and Anisia Uzeyman, “Petit pays” by Eric Barbier, “Grey Matter” by Kivu Ruhorahoza, “A Sunday in Kigali” by Robert Favreau. In May 2022, she participated in the Frequencies Festival organized in Berlin by the Goethe Institute. Her latest curatorial work includes eight contemporary Rwandan artists, presented in Seoul in September 2023, in the first African exhibition organized in South Korea.